• The smart viscometer for sustainable alternative fuels


The smart viscometer for sustainable alternative fuels

In light of sustainable alternatives becoming more and more of a viable option for products such as aviation fuels, lubricants and diesel fuels, having a smart viscometer targeted for the specific challenges in these fields is a must.

There are several internationally accepted specifications that exist for testing environmentally friendly products: for biodiesels: ASTM D6751, D7467, DIN EN 16734, 16709 and 14214, for sustainable aviation fuels: ASTM D7566 and biodegradable hydraulic fuels: ASTM D8029.

For testing viscosity, a crucial parameter in product development, all these specifications list ASTM D7042, which is the method that Anton Paar’s SVM uses for viscosity testing. The SVMs use up to 75% less sample and solvent when compared to traditional glass capillary viscometers, meaning you can spend less on chemicals and their safe disposal. With their Peltier thermostatting in lieu of temperature baths, SVMs use 95% less energy than typical bath viscometers. All of this ensures a sustainable measuring process.

While SVMs can measure kinematic viscosity, some models also offer multiple other parameters that are relevant for specifications of these products. SVM 3001, for instance, also measures parameters like dynamic viscosity, density, and viscosity index, and performs temperature and time scans to ensure that products work as intended.

SVM 3001 Cold Properties, on the other hand, provides information on the cloud and freeze point that is relevant for biodiesel and sustainable aviation fuels. Finally, SVM 1001 Simple Fill has a funnel that lets you directly fill the sample into the instrument without needing a syringe which reduces waste as well as disposal costs. Overall, the SVM viscometers serve as a valuable tool in fostering environmentally conscious practices and facilitating the transition towards greener alternatives.

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PIN 25.6 Buyers' Guide

January 2025

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