Privacy and Data Protection Policy

1.This policy

1.1 International Labmate Limited (we) are the data controller in relation to personal data we collect from you in connection with our provision of products and services. We are a publishing and event company specialising in the scientific field. We operate many magazines, conferencing activities and exhibitions globally. All our regional office locations can be seen on the contact us page of this website. This policy sets out how we'll use your personal data.

1.2 We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

1.3 We are registered in England and Wales International Labmate Limited under company number 05818810 and have our registered office at Oak Court Business Centre, Sandridge Park Porters Wood, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 6PH. You can contact our data protection officer (DPO) at our registered office or by email to

1.4 This policy (together with any terms and conditions that have been notified to you and any other documents referred to on it) sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.

2. Information we collect from you

2.1 We recognise the importance of protecting the information we collects from data subjects in our operation. To this end we will take all reasonable steps to maintain the security, integrity and privacy of any information provided to us.

2.2 We will ensure that any personal identifiable information (Data) we collect will be adequate, relevant and not excessive for the purposes required. It will be kept accurate and up-to-date based on information provided, and to the best of our ability thereafter.

2.3 Personal Data we collect may include;

  • Your name
  • Your address - for postal fulfilment
  • Your email address - for email fulfilment
  • Confirmation you are over 16 years of age
  • Records of the information you have viewed on our portals, or exhibitions you have registered for or attended: and
  • Education or industry and employment information

2.4 Collecting this Data is essential to us being able to provide you with our services. If we are not able to collect this personal data, our ability to provide a high level service to you may be limited. We will not collect any personal data from you that we do not need in order to provide services to you. Our business is to provide free, up to date media content and exhibitions to our customers via on and offline products we offer.

3. How we use your information

3.1 A key requirement of UK Data Protection law is that we have a lawful basis for processing your personal data. Where the data is collected for the purpose of fulfilling a contract with you, we will use your personal data on the basis that processing is necessary to fulfil that contract. Where the data is collected for all other purposes (outlined below), we will process your personal data on the basis that you have given consent via our consent form or that we have a legitimate interest to process the personal data.

3.2 We will use information you give to us and which we collect from you:

(a) To provide information, products and services that you request from us;

(b) To provide you with information about other services and products that we offer that are similar to those that you have enquired about or which we reasonably consider may be of interest to you where you have given your consent to this or where we have a legitimate interest to do so; and

(c) To notify you about changes to our services.

3.3 It is necessary for us to process data in order to fulfil a contract with you as follows:

(a) We organise and manage specialist conferencing and events around the world. When you register with these events via their own portals, we will process your data to complete the registration process. You may receive an email confirming your attendance.

(b) There may be circumstances in which we will share your personal data with named sponsors of events in order to enable the smooth running of events for which you register for. A sponsor will only contact you if you have provided your explicit consent to doing so and for the purposes to which you have consented.

(c) Our main business is syndicating information on scientific advances and putting you in contact with manufacturing companies that you may request information from. When you fill in a 'request for more information' form on our website, you will be asked to submit this request, and we will inform you where the information you supply is being shared. The manufacturing company may then communicate directly with you to assist in your requirements.

(d) We have many products and services listed on our websites, and in our printed media which are supplied to us by manufacturing companies. If you request information from one or more of these companies, your details will be shared with that company in order for them to communicate with and help you. You will be notified of this action before you fill in the form, or submit your request. Only information which you have granted access to will be shared with our advertising companies. This is referred to as a 'request more information'.

(e) Data we have collected from you may be transferred to other companies outside the UK and the European Economic Area in accordance with data protection law. We impose contractual obligations with these companies, and these are termed as processing agreements. We ensure that only the required amount of data is shared to fulfil the purpose for which the data has been transferred. One example of this transfer is where your data may be passed to our printer and fulfilment service located in Asia. This company would then fulfil the delivery of the magazine via postal services to you.

(f) In order for us to send you one of our magazines, or to supply you with digital eBulletins or our digital journals, certain information is needed in order to fulfil this obligation to you. A list of suppliers that we share your information with is below, together with an explanation of what we share with them in order to provide you with our services. These suppliers are referred to as processors and we have contractual processing agreements in place with them which are reviewed on an annual basis. Only adequate, relevant and limited information is used for each purpose. For example, we would need to print your full name and address if we are to post a magazine to you, but for the email, (eBulletin) only your name and email address is processed.

(i) Mail Handling International and Mail Options Ltd Mail Handling International and Mail Options Ltd are the postal services we use to process and distribute our publications. They have an ISO 90001 certification and operate at the highest level when it comes to data security. More on Mail Handling International and Mail Options Ltd can be found at, and

(ii) Target Mailer Ltd We use Target Mailer Ltd to process your data when we deliver our email services. All our emails have the best practice unsubscribe link at the end of each email so you can easily opt out. This solution allows us to monitor the performance of the eBulletin emails we send, and facilitates the 'request more information' option in most cases. Our system monitors the time that you engage with the emails we send, and what topics you interact with. This information is used to benefit you in receiving email at the best local time for you, and to make sure you get relevant information. More at's website.

(iii) N200 We use N200 for processing our registrations for the numerous global exhibitions that we operate. If you're booking into one of our conferences or exhibitions, N200 help us facilitate the registration and the badge printing, allowing you to gain entry to the event. More on N200 is on the website.

(iv) Campaign and Digital Intelligence Ltd (CANDDi) Canddi are fundamentally employed by us for tracking the web pages our visitors look at. This helps us serve better content related, and more targeted to our website users - find out more at

(v) Google Analytics Google analytics is used for tracking the number of visits that our different web pages receive. We use IP tracking for this service, and data such as names and email address are not processed via this method. This processing of your IP address helps us determine how much of a regular visitor to our website you are, and which pages you visited. We use this information for analytical purposes only.

3.4 We may seek your consent to the following types of processing:

(a) To allow third party event sponsors to contact you by email, mail, SMS or phone in connection with the specific event which you are interested in;

(b) To contact you by email, mail, SMS or phone with updates, newsletters, promotions, technical news etc.

3.5 Where we have a legitimate interest (which you may object to at any time as set out in paragraph 5.1 below) to process personal data, we will use your data on the basis that we have legitimate interest to do so which is not overridden by your rights and freedoms. We consider that we have a legitimate interest to carry out the following processing:

(a) (We may provide additional emails following the exhibition for research and marketing activities. We have an interest in supplying you with other market relevant news and product updates appropriate to the exhibition you registered for. These will be kept to a minimum and every email we send has an opt-out option. International Labmate exhibitions operated by us are all listed under the website and are all managed and controlled by us.

(b) Our objective is to provide our customers with relevant information for the vertical markets we operate in and offer clear opt-out availability for each and every correspondence we action. We may process your information to make sure that the marketing you may receive is relevant to you. We may provide information that is tailored to your interests based on past interactions, such as, event bookings or eLearning sessions you have registered for. We believe this communication will be of benefit to our customers. We also reserve the right to process your personal data for our legitimate interests of obtaining legal or other professional advice or transferring our business assets (including personal data) on reorganisation, sale or merger of any part of our business.

(c) We will, from time to time (and where we have a legitimate interest to do so), send you marketing materials from selected third parties, this can include marketing of new products related to your interests, such as, invitations to eLearning sessions or webinars, newsletters, to name a few. The unsubscribe option is present on all these email communications, in line with the best practice marketing guidelines. Interacting with these emails is tracked, and on occasion your contact information we hold can be provided to the advertising company. This will be at minimum an email address.

3.6 We will never sell your information to third parties. However we may disclose your personal information to third parties in the following circumstances:

(a) In the event that we sell any of our business or assets, in which case we may disclose your personal data to the prospective buyers of such business or assets and to their legal advisers;

(b) In the event that we appoint a third party data processor to process your personal data in accordance with our documented instructions and with the requirements of UK Data Protection law;

(c) If we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation;

(d) If it is necessary to disclose your personal data to our professional advisers (for example, to our legal advisers or our accountants);

(e) If it is necessary to do so in order to enforce or apply our terms and conditions of supply (if applicable) or to protect the rights, property, or safety of International Labmate Limited, our clients or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction and exchanging information with debt recovery agencies; and

(f) To licensed credit reference agencies, other suppliers and creditors to help us and others make credit decisions; to help prevent or detect fraud or other crimes; to trace debtors; to provide trade references on a confidential basis to our agents and sub-contractors; and to insurance companies for the purpose connected with insurance products that relate or might relate to the you.

3.7 When we organise exhibitions, the provision of furniture, utilities and accommodation are listed on our websites as links, and no information is passed to any of these companies. It is left to you to contact those companies to secure the services you require from them independently from us.

4. How long we keep your personal data

4.1 We will keep any personal data for providing services or products or informing you of new products or services until such time as you notify us that you no longer require services or products and no longer wish to receive this information.

4.2 We will store any other personal data for no longer than is reasonably required. We consider this to be the amount of time that we need your personal data in order for us to fulfil our obligations to you under any contract we may enter into and in order for us to fulfil any legal obligations.

5. Your rights

5.1 You have the right to object to our use of your personal data for marketing purposes. You may object to our use of your personal data for marketing purposes by writing to us at our registered office, or by phoning +44 (0) 1727 855574 or by emailing and informing us of your objection.

5.2 You have the right to withdraw your consent to our processing for specified purposes or at all at any time. You may withdraw consent by writing to us at our registered office, or by phoning +44 (0) 1727 855574 or by emailing and informing us that you are withdrawing your consent for one or more of the purposes for which consent was given. If you do not wish your information to be shared to the providers of locked content, we would advise that the content be downloaded when the lock on the content is released. This is usually 180 days post production/posting to our servers.

5.3 You may request access to your information, to have any incorrect information corrected and to have your information deleted.

5.4 You have the right to request a copy of information held about you by us. Generally we will provide this information free of charge, however in certain circumstances we reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee to meet our costs in providing you with details of the information we hold about you in accordance with UK Data Protection law.

5.5 In certain circumstances, you have the right to require us (and our third party data processors) to erase your personal data without undue delay, although we reserve the right not to erase personal data (or to inform our third party data processors) where processing remains necessary for purposes which are permitted by UK Data Protection law.

5.6 You have the right to request that your personal data is made portable for the purposes of transferring personal data to another supplier in relation to:

(a) Personal data which you have provided to us;

(b) Personal data which is processed on the basis of your consent or the performance of a contract; and

(c) Personal data which is processed by automated means.

6. Access to information

6.1 UK Data Protection law gives you the right to access information held about you by us. Generally we will provide this information free of charge, however in certain circumstances we reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee to meet our costs in providing you with details of the information we hold about you.

7. Right to lodge a complaint

7.1 While we will endeavour to only use personal data that is relevant to our purpose and ensure your personal data is kept secure, sometimes errors occur. If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer who will investigate the matter. If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are not processing your personal data as required by law you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office on 0303 123 1113.

Find out more on the GDPR -

8. Changes to our privacy policy

8.1 Any changes we make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on our website, and where practicable, notified to you by e-mail. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy. Your continued use of our services will be deemed conclusive acceptance of any modifications we make.

9. Cookie Policy

9.1 A 'cookie' is a text file that a website you visit and asks your browser to store on your computer or mobile devise. International Labmate Ltd uses cookies as follows:

(a) to record session information, such as items that you add to a shopping cart

(b) to record information on which pages a you access or visit on sites owned or operated by International Labmate Limited

9.2 It must be noted that the shopping cart needs cookies in order to work, i.e. remember what a customer has placed in their cart. However these cookies automatically delete themselves after the transaction is complete and cookies may be disabled at any time. See our Cookies Policy

10. Additional policies

10.1 Links may be provided from any International Labmate Ltd portal to other websites. In using such links, users should be aware that each website will vary in terms of its privacy and data protection policies, and International Labmate Ltd does not take responsibility for the privacy policies of, and usage of, personal information collected by others including, without limitation, those of any partner or affiliate. See our Help with linking

10.2 Anti-Spam Policy. We use a third party emailing system called Target Mailer which facilitates the broadcast of email communications. There are many issues surrounding unsolicited emails and spam, and we want to ensure that the communications we deliver are relevant to your business interests. If you have a complaint about any email or post you receive from us, please get in touch so we can investigate fully. We strictly enforce our Anti-Spam policy. This is both a necessity and a requirement.

10.3 Reporting Spam Please notify us immediately if you have received unwanted or unsolicited email. You can email us at or call the office on +44 (0) 1727 855574

10.4 Data Transmission International Labmate Ltd and operated business trading under this name hold no responsibility for the successful transmission of data via its portals and websites. Personal information transmitted across the internet is not 100% secure and users are advised to consider this upon completion of forms anywhere in the portals we operate.

11. Contact

International Labmate Ltd can be contacted at
Oak Court Business Centre
Sandridge Park, Porters Wood
St. Albans
United Kingdom

11.1 Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy policy are welcomed and should be addressed to our registered office or

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See the privacy policy prior to this update

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