Analytical Instrumentation
LPG and Gas Analyses Made Safe and Easy
Dec 10 2009
The automated analysis of gaseous matrices such as natural gas or calibration gas mixtures as well as liquefied pressurised gases (LPG) is performed using a revolutionary dosing technique which is extremely precise and sensitive. The freedom to select any dosing volume at all not only allows the duration of the analysis process to be reduced but also allows a wide concentration range to be calibrated with only one gas standard.
Special modules for analysing gaseous and LPG samples are available. These are optimised for the tasks in question. They combine extremely high ease of operation and ultra-modern gas handling technologies with maximum safety for the user. They provide a simple and safe connection technology for sample containers, a fully-automatic module control and automatic rinsing steps to clean the dosing system. Their perma-purge technology eliminates memory effects and they have a uniquely high, variable dosing volume of up to 100 ml. In addition, it provides gas analyses of unrivalled sensitivity in the trace range.
The LPG module, which is fitted with a special dosing valve featuring a peltier cooling system, is used for the dosing of liquefied gases. This allows early expansion of the sample and the associated formation of bubbles
to be prevented effectively. Extremely accurate, correct readings are now standard in daily work. A further advantage is the clear reduction in the required initial pressure of the sample in comparison with conventional LPG systems. No longer is it necessary to apply auxiliary gas to increase the pressure in the sample container. This makes it possible to work efficiently and provides protection against contamination. The liquefied
gas is evaporated in a heated chamber after the sample has been taken. This guarantees that even low volatile components enter a gaseous state completely. Memory effects no longer occur. The transfer of the sample
into the combustion system is also supported by a permanent flow of purge gas known as perma-purge. It meets very high safety standards, provides simple and safe connection technology for sample containers
and no auxiliary gases are required to raise the pressure, and reduces operating costs. It provides peltier cooling to ensure extremely accurate dosing and a uniquely high, variable dosing volume of up to 50 μl as well as a
heated evaporation chamber for quantitative sample evaporation. Its perma-purge technology eliminates memory effects.
The Multi EA 5000 – C, N, S and Cl from solid, liquid, paste-like and gaseous samples are only a small part of what it can do. TOC, EOX and AOX/TOX analyses are further areas of analysis easily covered by the multi EA 5000 by Analytik Jena AG (Gemany). This makes it a universal talent to be used in various fields such as petrochemistry, environmental analysis, pharmacy,the chemical industry and materials testing. Benefits include its application diversity, its ability to analyse solid, paste, fluid, gaseous and LPG samples. It has a multi-element, determination of C, N, S and Cl in a single analysis cycle, a Multi-matrix sampler, for fully automated determination of solid and liquid samples in vertical or horizontal furnace configuration, a double furnace technology, optimal adaptation to the sample matrix; vertical and horizontal mode in a single instrument. It provides an extended measuring range with low maintenance, ultra-modern detectors, all the way from ppb to percentage along with a modular design, freedom to select and extend your analysis system configuration, a self check system (SCS) for trouble-free operation and flame sensor technology for matrix-optimised sample digestion.
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