
Past Events

Water content in lubricants and other petrochemical products is a critical parameter that has to be closely monitored in the manufacturing of such commodities and all along the value chain. The presence of moisture in fuel and lubricants promotes corrosion and engine wear negatively affecting performance and resulting in the plugging of filters. Moreover, moisture can impede the effect of additives and promote growth of deleterious bacterial organisms. Knowing about the water content helps...

View 13:00:00 06 May 2021

An overview of HRMS and Informatics solutions for structural elucidation workflows in lubricant additive package research and development. In this eLearning session we will outline a simple and efficient workflow that uses high resolution mass spectrometry and statistical analysis of the acquired data to understand the differences between several automotive lubricant oils at a molecular level. This approach is particularly useful in comparing two similar products and in the identificati...

View 14:00:00 22 Apr 2021

Precision, accuracy and robustness are key words and essential parameters to determine the effectiveness of any analytical application. Surveyors, refinery, and QC labs must determine the Nitrogen and Sulfur content with fewer personnel while the number of samples keep increasing and the time to report is under pressure. Moreover, all these analyses must be done in compliance with a variety of test methods, such as the ASTM D5453, ASTMD4629 and ASTM D6667. All these factors are pressing on...

View 16:00:00 20 Apr 2021

Stephen B. Harrison talks to Andres Saldivia business development manager at Hysytech to discuss hydrogen generation from natural gas or biomethane. Stephen's questions include: What purity in hydrogen are you able to achieve? Can this gas be used directly in fuel cells? Natural gas used, does this need to be high pressure or from the normal grid? Is the result a "green element"?  

View 14:00:00 09 Mar 2021

Are you tired of always searching for the latest Safety Data Sheet of a reagent? Are you tired of always having doubts about the up-to-dateness of a label? Are you tired of missing your mother tongue on a label? Are you tired of using a “non”-hazardous chemical which shows a high reactivity and does not smell healthy? Are you tired of working with obviously incorrectly classified self-made neat chemicals or mixtures? Are you tired of being flooded with useless information but not getting...

View 13:00:00 19 Nov 2020

Join ABB and Tarmac / CRH for a 60-minute conversation about continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS), reviewing their decade-long partnership, how it is evolving to meet changing cement industry needs, and what the future holds. Until recently, high quality CEMS products and responsive field service were what mattered most to plant operators. Nowadays, digital software solutions are helping to maximize hardware up-time and minimize on-site support. And new approaches to delivering...

View 14:00:00 17 Nov 2020

In this, the first of three interviews with Dr. Uwe Albrecht of Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik, Stephen B. Harrsion asks Dr. Albrecht to explain more about gasification and green hydrogen. Follow the link for the second interview, which focusses on the pyrolysis of biomethane for the production of green hydrogen, or click through for the first interview, which focusses on the gasification of biomethane for the production of green hydrogen.

View 10:10:00 04 Nov 2020

In this, the second of three interviews with Dr. Uwe Albrecht of Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik, Stephen B. Harrsion asks Dr. Albrecht to explain more about biomethane pyrolysis and green hydrogen. Follow the link for the first interview, which focusses on the gasification of biomethane for the production of green hydrogen, or click through to the final interview, which considers the future of green hydrogen as part of the energy transition.

View 10:15:00 04 Nov 2020

In the final interview with Dr. Uwe Albrecht of Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik, Stephen B. Harrsion asks Dr. Albrecht to explain more about strategies for the development of green hydrogen, climate change, and the transition to renewable energy. Click through for the first interview on the gasification of biomethane for the production of green hydrogen, or follow the link for the second interview, which focusses on the pyrolysis of biomethane for the production of green hydrogen.

View 10:20:00 04 Nov 2020

Join ChemTreat and Hach during this 60-minute eLearning session. We’ll discuss corrosion, scaling, and biofouling in your cooling water cycle.   What are the key challenges the session aim to resolve for participants? Why the combination of lab and online analyzers is your best approach, and when one will work over the other.  New measurement methods and instruments to improve operational processes, reduce operation expenses, and decrease the time you spend maintaining your analyze...

View 14:30:00 21 Oct 2020

Digital Edition

PIN 25.5 Oct/Nov 2024

November 2024

Analytical Instrumentation - Picturing Viscosity – How Can a Viscometer or a Rheometer Benefit You? - Sustainable Grease Formulations: Evaluating Key Performance Parameters and Testing Method...

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Turkey & Black Sea Oil and Gas

Dec 11 2024 Istanbul, Turkey

IGC 2024

Dec 19 2024 Aurangabad, India

Clean Fuels Conference

Jan 20 2025 San Diego, CA, USA

Smart Factory Expo 2025

Jan 22 2025 Tokyo, Japan

SLAS 2025

Jan 25 2025 San Diego, CA, USA

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